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VFW Annual Golf Tournament

- 6/9/2017

 CLICK HERE  for the brochure


September 1, 2017 (Friday) Willow Lakes Golf Club


lPM ShotgunStaid

12301 South 25th St., Bellevue NE


Willow Lalces is the only Robert Trent Jones designed course in Nebraska

Format: Foui Person Texas Scramble


*Cost:($80.00) Pei Person Money raisedgoes towards New Buses neededfor the Veterans Homes and VFW Scholarships


Entry fee includes: Golf/Golf Cart

**Food**Flag Prizes**Door Piizes**


Questions or for i•eservations: call Joe Smith (402-661-9875)

Or email:




Sign up early: Entry Deadline 20 AUG 2017


Soft spikes or soft soled shoes only Golf appropriate attire


Lunch will be sewed at the course before we tee off.


Clip and Mail To: Joe Smith; 1416 Betz Rd; Bellevue, NE 68005 Make checks payable to: VFW Post 2280 (Memo VFW GOLF)



Names: Address: City: State Zip

Entry fee enclosed: $ ($80.00 per person, $320.00per team)(Tax deductible)

Total remitted $

Department of Nebraska VFW

Golf Scramble Corporate Sponsor Form

YES we want to help theNebraska Veterans of Foreign Warswith my tax deductible donation by being a (check one) Eagle Birdie Par Tee Box Sponsor









Eagle ($1000.00)

Professionally appointed wall plaque or Heirloom stone for your company’s offfce

Article in the Nebraska Veterans of Foreign Wars news paper/VFW gen mail for 1year


» Two company foursomes at the State golf tournament

Recognition and marketing opportunities atState golf scramble

Birdie ($500.00)


Professionally appointed certificate for your coinpany’soffice

» Article in the Nebraska Yeterans of Foreign Wars newspaper VFW gen mail for 1year


•One company foursomeat the Stnte golf fund scramble

Recognition and marketing opportunities at State golf scramble

Professionally appointed certificate for your company’s office


Company’s name in VFW gen mail for 1 yes r


« Two players for the tournament

Recognition and marketing opportunities at State golf scramble

Tee Box Sponsor ($125.00)


Sponsors name on tee box, VFW gen mh il 1 yenr

Special SponsorOpportunities: Contact Joseph Smith, 402-661-9875 or email

In the event you are interested in other types of sponsorships to this worthy cause there are many options available. Here are a few examples: small monetary donations, flag prizes,raffle donations, lunchsponsor, and cart or hat sponsors. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Tournament is 1 Sept 2017 at Willow Lakes Golf Course, Bellevue, NE.


Mail with your checkto: Checks payableto VFW Post 2280 (memo VFW Golf), (Checks due by 20 August 2017)


List Players names on back of this form

Post News

Important Info for Post2704 Members

Remains of Army Pfc. Oliver Jeffers being returned to Scott County

HUNTSVILLE — A Scott County man who was killed in action in World War II is being returned home for proper burial.

Victory Apartments adds 60 new units for low-income veterans in Omaha

'I have a home now': Victory Apartments adds 60 new units for low-income veterans in Omaha

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

2021 Veterans benefit distribution for Nebraska

2021 National Convention update

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW and Columbia University Announce Military Transition Collaboration

WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to announce its newest relationship with Columbia University's Center for...

A Thanksgiving Message from the VFW

WASHINGTON - This Thanksgiving, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) encourages Americans to reflect and be thankful for the life we...


Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home (ENVH) Opportunities - The Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs established new requirements to volunteer at the ENVH. Below are the forms required and a flyer listing volunteer opportunities. 

Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Volunteer Service Program Profile

Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Disclosure & Authorization for Background Check-Volunteer

ENVH - Vets Helping Vets



Member News - VFW Post 2704 would like to congratulate Larry Gerlt. At the December Awards Banquet it was announced that Larry was selected by the Post for the 2020 Edward G. Reyes Semper Fidelis Award. Congratulations Larry.

Annual Members - If you haven't already renewed your membership, please do. Every year our Post spends hundreds of man-hours on membership renewals. It's important to our Post and the entire VFW organization. That said, time is precious, and the hours spent on membership renewal takes away from hours that could be spent on other service projects helping Veterans in the Omaha area.  Thank you.
Our Post History - I'm trying to gather information on our Post history, I've been a member for several years, I know we are the Deml-Kopietz Post but I was never told why.


If you have any Post history, please send it to me at